Houses for Ebola orphans
Construction of houses for families receiving Ebola orphans:
Ebola has orphaned 20,000 children in Sierra Leone. That is significantly more than the population in Schermbeck. We build houses for families from the slums. Condition is that the families help with the construction and take two to three Ebola orphans. The families can live in the houses until the end of their lives, but they can not inherit the home ownership. A house costs about 15,000 euros.
School extension of Sierra Leone
Extension of a school by additional buildings:
In an additional building for a school in Sierra Leone more students are to be taught. The GAGU dwarf aid provides the material costs. The work is carried out by the villagers on their own.
Training Center Sierra Leone
Provision and operation of a training center in Sierra Leone on an adjacent property of the Home of Hope:
- Construction costs about 30,000, - €
- Start of construction 2013
- Bodywork completion 2014
- Interior Nov. 2015
- Commissioning at the end of 2016
In an extension on an adjacent site of the Home of Hope, a training center with a sewing house and a bake house was built. The sewing house is the first step in the making and reworking of dresses for the children of the Home of Hope, the slums of Freetown, the Amputee camps and other children of the surrounding villages. The Backhaus supplies the children's home of home with baked goods; later also the population of the surrounding villages. In the medium term Backhaus and Nähhaus are to be expanded as a training center. The aim is to ensure qualified education for the children of the Home of Hope and the village population after their school graduation. Another medium-term goal is the self-financing of the Home of Hope from proceeds of the planned facilities.
Children's home "home of hope" in Sierra Leone
Provision and operation of a children's home for the poorest of the poor in Sierra Leone:
- Construction costs about 60,000, - €
- Land acquired in Feb. 2009
- Start of construction July / August 2009
- Bodywork completion in March 2010
- Interior design in August 2011
- Entry of first children in Oct. 2011
- Official inauguration on 2.2.2012
The Kinderhaus serves as a living, care and supply center. On 350 square meters live in twelve rooms up to 20 children, mostly orphans. Through this facility, we provide children with a secure childhood and local health care. By providing school uniforms, books and writing material, we also enable children to attend school, thus giving them a future perspective.
The cost of medical services must be provided in Sierra Leone by the patient. Only a few can do that. The consequences: Women die at birth, children die because of the lack of money for medication.
To be better prepared in the future and to be able to provide quick help are the goals of our project "Medical Quick Help".
A budget set up for this purpose should ensure medical care and improve the equipment of the hospitals.
Our DONATION ACCOUNTS for this project under the keyword "Medical Quick Help" are:
Verbandssparkasse Schermbeck IBAN DE67 3565 0000 0000 2548 54 BIC WELADED1WES |
Volksbank Schermbeck IBAN DE55 4006 9363 0777 7779 00 BIC GENODEM1SMB |