Rashid has arrived Germany

Rashid’s Ankunft in Deutschland

Schermbeck, 15.04.2018

Delayed by visa formalities, Rashid landed yesterday with his father in Frankfurt.

On Monday, Rashid will be brought to the University Hospital of Essen. For the following Tuesday, the bronchoscopy is scheduled, which was postponed because of the delayed arrival.

According to his aunt, Rashid, after the strenuous journey, is relatively well. He would cough a lot and a lot, but he was brave.

The flight to Germany went smoothly. He was very calm and watched everything exactly. The aunt believes that all this was a bit much for him and he could not handle the experience yet. She bought him some toys that he does not give out of his hands.

Arrived, he seeks the proximity of his cousin, who tries to speak English with him. First of all, he did not want to go to bed yesterday, but the toys were too interesting and maybe he got a little too much sweets. But after 24 o’clock the tiredness won. He coughs extremely in his sleep, but he seems used to it and just keeps sleeping.

We are in good spirits that Rashid will be able to return home healthy after the treatment at the University Hospital Essen and we will continue to report on the course.

Call for donations

The treatment costs 10,000 euros. Donations amounting to 5,000 euros have already come together. Many thanks to all who contributed.

For complete cost recovery, however, still missing another 5,000 euros. We therefore call again not to forget Rashid and continue to donate for treatment to the following account, stating the purpose “Rashid Umaru”:

GAGU-Zwergenhilfe e.V.
Volksbank Schermbeck
DE60 4006 9363 0777 7779 07

Thank you very much for your help!